Signup Ahead


Signup Ahead can import slots from Excel XLS and XLSX documents, or a CSV file. You can create a CSV file using most spreadsheet programs such as Excel, Numbers, or Calc.

Your file should have seven columns:

  1. Date: slot start date
  2. Start: slot start time
  3. End: slot end time
  4. Info: slot description
  5. Link: web address (URL)
  6. Volunteer: first and last name of volunteer
  7. Email: email address of volunteer

For example, you could create a CSV with the following columns:

1:00 pm2:30 pmEntreeSignup
07/04/200010:00 amDessert

This would create a sheet with three slots, one of which was taken by "Signup Ahead".

A more complete example would be the Signup Ahead Example Sheet. Here is the CSV file for the example sheet: Example_Sheet.csv. You can also click the [CSV] icon on any manage page to download a CSV file for that sheet.